PhoneGap 宣布了1.4 版本的发布,该版本除了修复 1.3 中的许多 bug 之外,还引入了 PhoneGap 构建云服务的完全支持。该服务可以在线将开发者在云端的 HTML、JavaScript 和 CSS打包并发布可发布到 App Store、Android Market 以及其他平台的 app。同时在PhoneGap 1.4发布的网址上,我们发现在Android和iOS平台,PhoneGap均有更改为Cordova的内容。
下面是关于 PhoneGap 1.4 在各个不同平台上值得关注的改进内容(what is new in PhoneGap 1.4.0):
- Work-around Feature for Classic PhoneGap 320×480 resolution Fixing scale, setting legacy scale
Removing GapView, since it doesn’t actually do anything
Moving LinearLayoutSoftKeyboardDetect out into its own class and making it more plugin-like
Editing a comment about LinearLayoutSoftKeyboardDetect
Changing to use JS directly. There are issues with this approach, and it should use the KeyboardHandler
Moved Chrome Client out of
Moving the WebViewClient out, allowing for PhoneGap to not break> Replace “PhoneGap” with “Cordova” and add incubation disclaimer
Minor incubation disclaimer fix. - Add compass demo for Android
- IllegalArgumentException if it is not a JPEG nor a PNG
- Adding JUnit dependency
- Fixing issue with FileTransfer.upload when the passed in url contains a ?
- Allow internal SD Card to be used as storage
- Fixing a timing issue with the web view history not being cleared properly
- Making preference reading code more robust
- Using preference=fullscreen for fullscreen view
- #124: Adding Battery events to the PlayBook.
- #153: Default for camera destination type changed from DATA_URL to FILE_URI.
- #CB-122: native JSON writer class needs expandable char buffer
- Fixing playbook plugin manager
Note: These are not the BlackBerry highlights. That is literally all of the new documentation for BlackBerry in PhoneGap 1.4.0.
- Added stand-alone PGViewController (Cleaver - PhoneGap as a Component)
- Added 'How to Use PhoneGap as a Component' doc to the .dmg (as a PDF)
- Added for legacy support of deprecated PhoneGapDelegate, in core plugins
- Updated the app icons, splash-screens, and template icons for the Xcode template to Cordova ones
- Added Battery core plugin to PhoneGap.plist
Windows Phone
- Compass API fixes
- Added VERSION file to be like other platforms
- Updated phonegap.js to include XHR updates
- Fix for single document - multipage layouts
- Changed default destination to FILE_URI
- Acceleromter fix #CB-141 - InvariantCulture
PhoneGap 已经日趋完善了,你是否开始考虑使用 PhoneGap 来开发移动app了呢?
- PhoneGap 1.3版发布 改进对BlackBerry和WP平台支持
- 【PPT推荐】关于PhoneGap的12件事
- 比较Titanium和PhoneGap两大iOS移动应用开发框架
- PhoneGap完美支持Windows Phone平台
本文标题:PhoneGap 1.4正式发布 更名Cordova引入云服务(附下载)
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