复制代码 代码如下: '个人代码风格注释(变量名中第一个小写字母表表示变量类型) 'i:为Integer型; 's:为String; Function U2UTF8(Byval a_iNum) Dim sResult,sUTF8 Dim iTemp,iHexNum,i iHexNum = Trim(a_iNum) If iHexNum = “” Then Exit Function End If sResult = “” If (iHexNum < 128) Then sResult = sResult & iHexNum ElseIf (iHexNum < 2048) Then sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F)) iHexNum = iHexNum &H40 sResult = ChrB(&HC0 + (iHexNum And &H1F)) & sResult ElseIf (iHexNum < 65536) Then sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F)) iHexNum = iHexNum &H40 sResult = ChrB(&H80 + (iHexNum And &H3F)) & sResult iHexNum = iHexNum &H40 sResult = ChrB(&HE0 + (iHexNum And &HF)) & sResult End If U2UTF8 = sResult End Function Function GB2UTF(Byval a_sStr) Dim sGB,sResult,sTemp Dim iLen,iUnicode,iTemp,i sGB = Trim(a_sStr) iLen = Len(sGB) For i = 1 To iLen sTemp = Mid(sGB,i,1) iTemp = Asc(sTemp) If (iTemp>127 OR iTemp<0) Then iUnicode = AscW(sTemp) If iUnicode<0 Then iUnicode = iUnicode + 65536 End If Else iUnicode = iTemp End If sResult = sResult & U2UTF8(iUnicode) Next GB2UTF = sResult End Function '调用方法 Response.BinaryWrite(GB2UTF(“中国人”))
复制代码 代码如下: var params = new Enumerator(Request.QueryString); while (!params.atEnd()) { Response.Write(params.item() + ":" + Request.QueryString(params.item()) + "<br />"); params.mov>>>详细阅读
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