复制代码 代码如下:<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <%Session.CodePage=65001%> <!--#include file="base64.asp"--> <% Function AspUrlDecode(strValue) Dim varAry, varElement, objStream, lngLoop, Flag strValue = Replace(strValue, "+", " ") varAry = Split(strValue, "%") Flag = varAry(0) = "" Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open For Each varElement In varAry If varElement <> Empty Then If Len(varElement) >= 2 And Flag Then .WriteText ChrB(CInt("&H" & Left(varElement, 2))) For lngLoop = 3 To Len(varElement) .WriteText ChrB(Asc(Mid(varElement, lngLoop, 1))) Next Else For lngLoop = 1 To Len(varElement) .WriteText ChrB(Asc(Mid(varElement, lngLoop, 1))) Next Flag = True End If End If Next .WriteText Chr(0) .Position = 0 AspUrlDecode = Replace(ConvUnicode(.ReadText), Chr(0), "", 1, -1, 0) On Error Resume Next .Close Set objStream = Nothing End With End Function Function ConvUnicode(ByVal strData) Dim rs, stm, bytAry, intLen If Len(strData & "") > 0 Then strData = MidB(strData, 1) intLen = LenB(strData) Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set stm = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") With rs .Fields.Append "X", 205, intLen .Open .AddNew rs(0).AppendChunk strData & ChrB(0) .Update bytAry = rs(0).GetChunk(intLen) End With With stm .Type = 1 .Open .Write bytAry .Position = 0 .Type = 2 .Charset = "utf-8" ConvUnicode = .ReadText End With End If On Error Resume Next stm.Close Set stm = Nothing rs.Close Set rs = Nothing End Function %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> </head> <body> <% 'base64编码后,比起.net多了77u/ Response.Write("base64编码后:"&base64Encode("阿会楠")&"<br />") 'base64解码后 Response.Write("base64解码后:"&base64uncode("6Zi/5Lya5qWg")&"<br />") %> </body> </html>
本文标题:asp base64 utf-8为了兼容asp.net的base64
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