早在03年就在蓝色理想上看到过动态Include的文章,当时已经觉得很厉害,但实际应用了一下,不方便而且Include的效果不好. 后来又在一网站上看到了改进版的,但是也不太好用~~~ 哎,当时我真是觉得有点想放弃ASP了,但是由于公司还是用ASP来开发,我也是没有办法... 今天,我一定要记住今天~~~在国外的一个网站上我竟然发现了这样一个好东东,太棒了~~~Great works!!! 以前试的一些动态Include代码,都无法Include一个类,甚至函数~~~又或者Include文件中的Include无法被包含... 现在这个鬼佬(dselkirk)写的类可以为我们做到这些了~~~复制代码 代码如下:<% public include, include_vars set include = new cls_include class cls_include private sub class_initialize() set include_vars = server.createobject("scripting.dictionary") end sub private sub class_deactivate() arr_variables.removeall set include_vars = nothing set include = nothing end sub public default function include(byval str_path) dim str_source if str_path <> "" then str_source = readfile(str_path) if str_source <> "" then processincludes str_source convert2code str_source formatcode str_source if str_source <> "" then if request.querystring("debug") = 1 then response.write str_source response.end else executeglobal str_source include_vars.removeall end if end if end if end if end function private sub convert2code(str_source) dim i, str_temp, arr_temp, int_len if str_source <> "" then if instr(str_source,"%" & ">") > instr(str_source,"<" & "%") then str_temp = replace(str_source,"<" & "%","|%") str_temp = replace(str_temp,"%" & ">","|") if left(str_temp,1) = "|" then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) if right(str_temp,1) = "|" then str_temp = left(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) arr_temp = split(str_temp,"|") int_len = ubound(arr_temp) if (int_len + 1) > 0 then for i = 0 to int_len str_temp = trim(arr_temp(i)) str_temp = replace(str_temp,vbcrlf & vbcrlf,vbcrlf) if left(str_temp,2) = vbcrlf then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 2) if right(str_temp,2) = vbcrlf then str_temp = left(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 2) if left(str_temp,1) = "%" then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) if left(str_temp,1) = "=" then str_temp = right(str_temp,len(str_temp) - 1) str_temp = "response.write " & str_temp end if else if str_temp <> "" then include_vars.add i, str_temp str_temp = "response.write include_vars.item(" & i & ")" end if end if str_temp = replace(str_temp,chr(34) & chr(34) & " & ","") str_temp = replace(str_temp," & " & chr(34) & chr(34),"") if right(str_temp,2) <> vbcrlf then str_temp = str_temp arr_temp(i) = str_temp next str_source = join(arr_temp,vbcrlf) end if else if str_source <> "" then include_vars.add "var", str_source str_source = "response.write include_vars.item(""var"")" end if end if end if end sub private sub processincludes(str_source) dim int_start, str_path, str_mid, str_temp str_source = replace(str_source,"<!-- #","<!--#") int_start = instr(str_source,"<!--#include") str_mid = lcase(getbetween(str_source,"<!--#include","-->")) do until int_start = 0 str_mid = lcase(getbetween(str_source,"<!--","-->")) int_start = instr(str_mid,"#include") if int_start > 0 then str_temp = lcase(getbetween(str_mid,chr(34),chr(34))) str_temp = trim(str_temp) str_path = readfile(str_temp) str_source = replace(str_source,"<!--" & str_mid & "-->",str_path & vbcrlf) end if int_start = instr(str_source,"#include") loop end sub private sub formatcode(str_code) dim i, arr_temp, int_len str_code = replace(str_code,vbcrlf & vbcrlf,vbcrlf) if left(str_code,2) = vbcrlf then str_code = right(str_code,len(str_code) - 2) str_code = trim(str_code) if instr(str_code,vbcrlf) > 0 then arr_temp = split(str_code,vbcrlf) for i = 0 to ubound(arr_temp) arr_temp(i) = ltrim(arr_temp(i)) if arr_temp(i) <> "" then arr_temp(i) = arr_temp(i) & vbcrlf next str_code = join(arr_temp,"") arr_temp = vbnull end if end sub private function readfile(str_path) dim objfso, objfile if str_path <> "" then if instr(str_path,":") = 0 then str_path = server.mappath(str_path) set objfso = server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") if objfso.fileexists(str_path) then set objfile = objfso.opentextfile(str_path, 1, false) if err.number = 0 then readfile = objfile.readall objfile.close end if set objfile = nothing end if set objfso = nothing end if end function private function getbetween(strdata, strstart, strend) dim lngstart, lngend lngstart = instr(strdata, strstart) + len(strstart) if (lngstart <> 0) then lngend = instr(lngstart, strdata, strend) if (lngend <> 0) then getbetween = mid(strdata, lngstart, lngend - lngstart) end if end if end function end class %>
复制代码 代码如下:<!--#include file="conn.asp"--> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <m>>>详细阅读
本文标题:分享一个好东东,动态Include文件 (Dynamic File Includes)
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