

作者: 来源:www.28hudong.com 2013-03-30 08:34:11 阅读 我要评论

反正我现在用这个做了很多站,自己觉得还是满有用的,所以拿出来和大家分享一下。支持三种数据库连接:MSSQL2000,MSSQL2005,ACCESS 三种方法: select_table(sql) 表查询,返回TRUE或FALSE 当SQL语句出错,或空记录时返回FALSE,否则TRUE update_table(SQL) 表更新,包括update,delete 成功执行返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE,updated为执行后影响记录行数。 insert_table(sql,table,id_column) table为表名,id_column为表中自动编号,自增字段。 当成功执行返回TRUE,否则返回FALSE,指定TABLE,ID_column后,将返回最后添加记录所产生的自增ID。 select_table()相关方法Select_page(page,psize) 分页处理,page为当前页,psize为每页记录行数。 所有操作时,自动检测数据库链接和RS是否打开,执行后将自动关闭数据库链接。 示例: set db = new adodb_class if db.select_table("select * from news order by id desc") then page = request("page") Select_page(page,20)'每页20条 for i=1 to 20 response.write db.rs("title")'类内置rs,不可变 db.rs.movenext if db.rs.eof then exit for next end if db.rsPage = 总页数,db.nowPage= 经过处理后当前页,db.rsCounts数总记录数量。 if db.update_table("delete from news where ispass=1") then'update同样 response.write "共删除"&db.updated&"行" end if call db.insert_table("insert into news (title,content) values ('"&title&"','"&content&"')","news","id") response.write "最后添加ID为"&db.Insertd 在页面最尾可输出db.readCounts 为查询数据库次数。 -------------------------------------------- 本类好处就是你不必担心忘记关闭数据库链接,不用频繁set rs = server.recordset("adodb.recordset"),也不用set rs = nothing 缺点就是翻页用的传统方式。rs.absolutepage = rs.pagesize ---------------------------------------------------------- <% '/******kshop******/ ' adodb_class.asp 数据库操作类 ' Version 1.0 ' Copyright [email]simple_1982@hotmail.com[/email] ' E-mail [email]xsg2005@163.com[/email] '/*****************/ class adodb_class dim conn,connstr,rs dim dbclass'数据库类型access,sql2000,sql2005三个值之一 dim SqlDbName,SqlUser,SqlPass,SqlServer dim SqlAccess dim Selectd,Insertd,Updated dim rsCounts,rsPage,readCounts,nowPage '记录集 总数/页数 查询次数 Private Sub Class_Initialize() SqlDbName = "" SqlUser = "" SqlPass = "" SqlServer = "" SqlAccess = "/simple_date/simple_xiehui.mdb" rsCounts = 0:rsPage = 1:readCounts = 0:nowPage = 1 Call OpenConn("access") selectd = 0 Insertd = 0 Updated = 0 End Sub '********打开数据库链接****************** Private Sub AccessConn() connstr="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & server.mappath(SqlAccess) &";Persist Security Info=False" End Sub Private Sub Sql2kConn() connstr = "driver={SQL server};server="&SqlServer&";uid="&SqlUser&";pwd="&SqlPass&";database="&SqlDbName End Sub Private Sub Sql2k05Conn() connstr="Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Password="&SqlPass&";User ID="&SqlUser&";Initial Catalog="&SqlDbName&";Data Source="&SqlServer End Sub Private Sub OpenConn(db_class) dbclass = db_class select case db_class case "access":call AccessConn() case "sql2000":call Sql2kConn() case "sql2005":call Sql2k05Conn() end select on error resume next set conn = server.CreateObject("adodb.Connection") conn.open connstr if err then Response.write "数据库链接失败<br>sqlstring = " + connstr Response.End() err.clear end if End Sub '**********结束/查询构造************* Public Function Select_Table(sql) if not not isempty(conn) or isnull(conn) then call OpenConn(dbclass) elseif conn.state = 0 then call OpenConn(dbclass) end if on error resume next Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if err then Select_Table = False rs.close exit Function err.clear End If If rs.eof and rs.bof then rs.close Select_Table = false Else Select_Table = true End If readCounts = readCounts + 1 End Function '分页处理 Public Function Select_page(page,psize) if isnull(page) or page = "" then page = 1 if page < 1 then page = 1 if rs.state = 1 then if not rs.eof then rs.pagesize = psize rsPage = rs.pagecount rsCounts = rs.recordcount if int(page) > Int(rsPage) then page = rsPage rs.absolutepage = page:nowPage = page end if end if End Function '更新记录 Public Function Update_Table(Sql) if not isempty(conn) or isnull(conn) then call OpenConn(dbclass) elseif conn.state = 0 then call OpenConn(dbclass) end if on error resume next if Sql <> "" then conn.Execute Sql,Updated if err then Update_Table = false err.clear else Update_Table = true end if Else Update_Table = false end if conn.close Set conn = nothing End Function '增加 '输入:insert SQL语句,表名,自增字段 Public Function Insert_Table(sql,table,id_column) if not isempty(conn) or isnull(conn) then call OpenConn(dbclass) elseif conn.state = 0 then call OpenConn(dbclass) end if on error resume next if sql <> "" then conn.Execute(sql) if err then Insert_Table = false:err.clear else Insert_Table = true end if '获得最后增加ID if table <> "" and id_column <> "" then Set ds = conn.Execute("select "&id_column&" from "&table&" order by "&id_column&" desc") end if if err then Insertd = 0:err.clear else Insertd = ds(0) end if Set ds = nothing closed() else Insert_Table = false end if End Function '关闭数据库链接 Public Function closed() if not isempty(rs) and not isnull(rs) then if rs.state = 1 then rs.close end if end if rsCounts = 0:rsPage = 1:nowPage = 1 end function '**********释放类************ Private Sub Class_Terminate() readCounts = 0:rsCounts = 0:rsPage = 0 if not isempty(conn) and not isnull(conn) then if conn.state = 1 then conn.close end if Set conn = nothing end if if not isempty(rs) then if not isnull(rs) then if rs.state=1 then rs.close end if set rs=nothing end if end if End Sub End Class %>


  ShowPage 显示“上一页 下一页”等信息的封装代码

'************************************************** '函数名:ShowPage '作 用:显示“上一页 下一页”等信息 '参 数:sFileName ----链接地址 ' TotalNumber ----总数量 ' MaxPerPage ----每页>>>详细阅读



关键词: 探索发现




