<% '****************************** '函数:CheckQuery(ByVal str) '参数:str ----搜索的字符串 '作者:阿里西西 '日期:2007/7/15 '描述:限制搜索的关键字 '示例:CheckQuery(str) '****************************** Public Function CheckQuery(ByVal str) Dim FobWords, i, keyword keyword = str On Error Resume Next FobWords = Array(91, 92, 304, 305, 430, 431, 437, 438, 12460, 12461, 12462, 12463, 12464, 12465, 12466, 12467, 12468, 12469, 12470, 12471, 12472, 12473, 12474, 12475, 12476, 12477, 12478, 12479, 12480, 12481, 12482, 12483, 12485, 12486, 12487, 12488, 12489, 12490, 12496, 12497, 12498, 12499, 12500, 12501, 12502, 12503, 12504, 12505, 12506, 12507, 12508, 12509, 12510, 12532, 12533, 65339, 65340) For i = 1 To UBound(FobWords, 1) If InStr(keyword, ChrW(FobWords(i))) > 0 Then CheckQuery = False Exit Function End If Next FobWords = Array("~", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "_", "+", "=", "`", "[", "]", "{", "}", ";", ":", """", "'", "<", ">", ".", "/", "", "|", "?", "about", "after", "all", "also", "an", "and", "another", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "because", "been", "before", "being", "between", "both", "but", "by", "came", "can", "come", "could", "did", "do", "each", "for", "from", "get", "got", "had", "has", "have", "he", "her", "here", "him", "himself", "his", "how", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "like", "make", "many", "me", "might", "more", "most", "much", "must", "my", "never", "now", "of", "on", "only", "or", "other", "our", "out", "over", "said", "same", "see", "should", "since", "some", "still", "such", "take", "than", "that", "the", "their", "them", "then", "there", "these", "they", "this") keyword = Left(keyword, 100) keyword = Replace(keyword, "!", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "]", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "[", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, ")", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "(", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, " ", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "-", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "/", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "+", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "=", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, ",", " ") keyword = Replace(keyword, "'", " ") For i = 0 To UBound(FobWords, 1) If keyword = FobWords(i) Then CheckQuery = False Exit Function End If Next CheckQuery = True End Function %>
用ASP实现分级权限控制 本文实现的是一个帐务管理系统中分级权限的控制,程序使用ASP和javascript编写,在装有IIS4.0的win NT服务器上运行,速度快,易维护。权限级别划分如下:①、院长和财务科长:不>>>详细阅读
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