使用ASP实现网站的目录树数据库结构(共使用了两个表)1。tblCategory字段名 类型 Root binary 说明树关或开(目录的根)ID 自动编号 关键字Sort integer 识别该字段内容的整数(如果root是开状态sort为0)表示显示的目录的顺序Name text(255)可以包含html中的标识符HREF text(255) 允许空2。tblPagesID 自动编号 Sort integer 关键字Name text(255)HREF text(255)
3.default.htm<html><head><title>javascript Tree Control Template</title></head><frameset cols=""210,*"">?<frame src=""tree.asp"" name=""TOC"">?<frame src=""main.htm"" name=""basefrm""></frameset></html>
4.main.htm<head><title></title></head><body><h2>Start Page</h2></body></html>
5.tree.aspSet conn = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Connection"")Set Rs = Server.CreateObject(""ADODB.Recordset"")conn.open ""DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ="" & Server.MapPath(""toc.mdb"")
strsql = ""SELECT tblCategory.Root, tblCategory.[ID], tblCategory.Sort AS CatSort, tblPages.sort AS LinkSort, tblCategory.[Name] AS CatName, tblCategory.HREF AS CatURL, tblPages.[Name] AS LinkName, tblPages.href AS LinkURL FROM tblCategory LEFT JOIN tblPages ON tblCategory.[ID] = tblPages.[ID] ORDER BY tblCategory.root ASC, tblCategory.Sort, tblPages.sort""
rs.open strsql, conn, 2, 2
if not rs.eof then rs.movefirstcurrentID = """" %><html><head><link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""ftie4style.css""><!-- Infrastructure code for the tree --><script src=""ftiens4.js""></script><!-- Execution of the code that actually builds the specific tree --><script>USETEXTLINKS = 1<% Do While Not Rs.EOF If Rs(""Root"") = True Then %> foldersTree = gFld(""<%= Rs(""CatName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""CatURL"") %>"") <% Else %> aux1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld(""<%= Rs(""CatName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""CatURL"") %>"")) <% currentID = Rs(""ID"") savedID = Rs(""ID"") Do While currentID = savedID and not rs.eof if Rs(""LinkName"") <> """" Then %> insDoc(aux1, gLnk(0, ""<%= Rs(""LinkName"") %>"", ""<%= Rs(""LinkURL"") %>"")) <% end if Rs.MoveNext if not rs.eof then currentID = Rs(""ID"") Loop End If if currentID = """" then rs.movenext Loop %></script><script>initializeDocument()</script><base target=""basefrm""><title></title></head><body bgcolor=""white""></body></html>
过滤关键字<% '****************************** '函数:ChkKeyWord(ByVal keyword) '参数:keyword,关键字 '作者:阿里西西 '日期:2007/7/15 '描述:过滤关键字 '示例:ChkKeyWord("sfsdfdf'8&5ddd") '**********>>>详细阅读
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