'屏蔽通过地址栏攻击 url=Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING") if instr(url,";")>=1 then url=Replace(url,";",";") : Response.Redirect("?" & url) end if '屏蔽通过表单攻击 for each item in request.form stritem=lcase(server.HTMLEncode(Request.form(item))) if instr(stritem,"select ")>=1 or instr(stritem,"insert ")>=1 or instr(stritem,"update ")>=1 or instr(stritem,"delete ")>=1 or instr(stritem,"exec ")>=1 or instr(stritem,"declare ")>=1 then response.write ("对不起,请不要输入非法字符!") response.end end if next
Highlight patterns within strings
复制代码 代码如下:'Replaces pattern with highlighted replacement (using style) and preserves case Public Function highlight(strText, strFind) Dim objRegExp, i, strHighlight 'Split the >>>详细阅读
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