

作者: 来源:www.28hudong.com 2013-03-30 08:59:26 阅读 我要评论

至于缓存的作用,我想我也不用再多说了,它的作用已经很明显,特别是对于信息量非常大或是全数据库页面的网站,他能很好地利用主机的内存资源,加速ASP的执行效率,减轻服务器的负担,而动网在这一方面做得是最突出的,像他现在的dvbbs7.1.0版,更是在缓存的利用上更上一层楼,前后台大多的操作都和缓存有关,而现在动网里用的也就是迷城浪子的缓存类,下面列出动网的三大高手写的ASP缓存类 木鸟写的复制代码 代码如下:'********************************************** ' vbs Cache类 ' ' 属性valid,是否可用,取值前判断 ' 属性name,cache名,新建对象后赋值 ' 方法add(值,到期时间),设置cache内容 ' 属性value,返回cache内容 ' 属性blempty,是否未设置值 ' 方法makeEmpty,释放内存,测试用 ' 方法equal(变量1),判断cache值是否和变量1相同 ' 方法expires(time),修改过期时间为time ' 木鸟 2002.12.24 ' http://www.aspsky.net/ '********************************************** class Cache private obj 'cache内容 private expireTime '过期时间 private expireTimeName '过期时间application名 private cacheName 'cache内容application名 private path 'uri private sub class_initialize() path=request.servervariables("url") path=left(path,instrRev(path,"/")) end sub private sub class_terminate() end sub public property get blEmpty '是否为空 if isempty(obj) then blEmpty=true else blEmpty=false end if end property public property get valid '是否可用(过期) if isempty(obj) or not isDate(expireTime) then valid=false elseif CDate(expireTime)<now then valid=false else valid=true end if end property public property let name(str) '设置cache名 cacheName=str & path obj=application(cacheName) expireTimeName=str & "expires" & path expireTime=application(expireTimeName) end property public property let expires(tm) '重设置过期时间 expireTime=tm application.lock application(expireTimeName)=expireTime application.unlock end property public sub add(var,expire) '赋值 if isempty(var) or not isDate(expire) then exit sub end if obj=var expireTime=expire application.lock application(cacheName)=obj application(expireTimeName)=expireTime application.unlock end sub public property get value '取值 if isempty(obj) or not isDate(expireTime) then value=null elseif CDate(expireTime)<now then value=null else value=obj end if end property public sub makeEmpty() '释放application application.lock application(cacheName)=empty application(expireTimeName)=empty application.unlock obj=empty expireTime=empty end sub public function equal(var2) '比较 if typename(obj)<>typename(var2) then equal=false elseif typename(obj)="Object" then if obj is var2 then equal=true else equal=false end if elseif typename(obj)="Variant()" then if join(obj,"^")=join(var2,"^") then equal=true else equal=false end if else if obj=var2 then equal=true else equal=false end if end if end function end class 木鸟 类例子 vbs Cache类 ' ' 属性valid,是否可用,取值前判断 ' 属性name,cache名,新建对象后赋值 ' 方法add(值,到期时间),设置cache内容 ' 属性value,返回cache内容 ' 属性blempty,是否未设置值 ' 方法makeEmpty,释放内存, ' 方法DelCahe ,删除内存 ' 方法equal(变量1),判断cache值是否和变量1相同 ' 方法expires(time),修改过期时间为time ' 用法 set myCache=New Cache myCache.name="BoardJumpList" '定义缓存名 if myCache.valid then '判断是否可用(包括过期,与是否为空值) response.write myCache.value '输出 else ................ BoardJumpList=xxx myCache.add BoardJumpList,dateadd("n",60,now) '写入缓存 xxx.add 内容,过期时间 response.write BoardJumpList '输出 end if myCache.makeEmpty() 释放内存 mycache.DelCahe() 删除缓存 迷城浪子写的 复制代码 代码如下:Class Cls_CacheRem ==================使用说明==================== Rem = 本类模块是动网先锋原创,作者:迷城浪子。如采用本类模块,请不要去掉这个说明。这段注释不会影响执行的速度。 Rem = 作用:缓存和缓存管理类 Rem = 公有变量:Reloadtime 过期时间(单位为分钟)缺省值为14400 Rem = MaxCount 缓存对象的最大值,超过则自动删除使用次数少的对象。缺省值为300 Rem = CacheName 缓存组的总名称,缺省值为"Dvbbs",如果一个站点中有超过一个缓存组,则需要外部改变这个值。 Rem = 属性:Name 定义缓存对象名称,只写属性。 Rem = 属性:value 读取和写入缓存数据。 Rem = 函数:ObjIsEmpty()判断当前缓存是否过期。 Rem = 方法:DelCahe(MyCaheName)手工删除一个缓存对象,参数是缓存对象的名称。 Rem ======================== Public Reloadtime,MaxCount,CacheName Private LocalCacheName,CacheData,DelCount Private Sub Class_Initialize() Reloadtime=14400 CacheName="Dvbbs" End Sub Private Sub SetCache(SetName,NewValue) Application.Lock Application(SetName) = NewValue Application.unLock End Sub Private Sub makeEmpty(SetName) Application.Lock Application(SetName) = Empty Application.unLock End Sub Public Property Let Name(ByVal vNewValue) LocalCacheName=LCase(vNewValue) End Property Public Property Let Value(ByVal vNewValue) If LocalCacheName<>"" Then CacheData=Application(CacheName&"_"&LocalCacheName) If IsArray(CacheData) Then CacheData(0)=vNewValue CacheData(1)=Now() Else ReDim CacheData(2) CacheData(0)=vNewValue CacheData(1)=Now() End If SetCache CacheName&"_"&LocalCacheName,CacheData Else Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "DvbbsCacheServer", " please change the CacheName." End If End Property Public Property Get Value() If LocalCacheName<>"" Then CacheData=Application(CacheName&"_"&LocalCacheName) If IsArray(CacheData) Then Value=CacheData(0) Else Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "DvbbsCacheServer", " The CacheData Is Empty." End If Else Err.Raise vbObjectError + 1, "DvbbsCacheServer", " please change the CacheName." End If End Property Public Function ObjIsEmpty() ObjIsEmpty=True CacheData=Application(CacheName&"_"&LocalCacheName) If Not IsArray(CacheData) Then Exit Function If Not IsDate(CacheData(1)) Then Exit Function If DateDiff("s",CDate(CacheData(1)),Now()) < 60*Reloadtime Then ObjIsEmpty=False End If End Function Public Sub DelCahe(MyCaheName) makeEmpty(CacheName&"_"&MyCaheName) End Sub End Class 迷城浪子 类例子 Set WydCache=New Cls_Cache WydCache.Reloadtime=0.5 '定义过期时间 (以分钟为单会) WydCache.CacheName="pages" '定义缓存名 IF WydCache.ObjIsEmpty() Then ''判断是否可用(包括过期,与是否为空值) Response.write WydCache.Value Else .................. BoardJumpList=xxx WydCache.Value=BoardJumpList '写入内容 Response.write BoardJumpList End if mycache.DelCahe("缓存名") 删除缓存 slightboy 写的 '======================== 复制代码 代码如下:'clsCache.asp '======================== '== begin : 2004-6-26 21:51:47 '== copyright : slightboy (C)1998-2004 '== email : slightboy@msn.com '======================== '======================== ' Dim Application(2) ' Application(0) Counter 计数器 ' Application(1) dateTime 放置时间 ' Application(2) Content 缓存内容 Public PREFIX Public PREFIX_LENGTH Private Sub Class_Initialize() PREFIX = "Cached:" PREFIX_LENGTH = 7 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate End Sub ' 设置变量 Public Property Let Cache(ByRef Key, ByRef Content) Dim Item(2) Item(0) = 0 Item(1) = Now() IF (IsObject(Content)) Then Set Item(2) = Content Else Item(2) = Content End IF Application.Unlock Application(PREFIX & Key) = Item Application.Lock End Property ' 取出变量 计数器++ Public Property Get Cache(ByRef Key) Dim Item Item = Application(PREFIX & Key) IF (IsArray(Item)) Then IF (IsObject(Item)) Then Set Cache = Item(2) Else Cache = Item(2) End IF Application(PREFIX & Key)(0) = Application(PREFIX & Key)(0) + 1 Else Cache = Empty End IF End Property ' 检查缓存对象是否存在 Public Property Get Exists(ByRef Key) Dim Item Item = Application(PREFIX & Key) IF (IsArray(Item)) Then Exists = True Else Exists = False End IF End Property ' 得到计数器数值 Public Property Get Counter(ByRef Key) Dim Item Item = Application(PREFIX & Key) IF (IsArray(Item)) Then Counter = Item(0) End IF End Property ' 设置计数器时间 Public Property Let dateTime(ByRef Key, ByRef SetdateTime) Dim Item Item = Application(PREFIX & Key) IF (IsArray(Item)) Then Item(1) = SetdateTime End IF End Property ' 得到计数器时间 Public Property Get dateTime(ByRef Key) Dim Item Item = Application(PREFIX & Key) IF (IsArray(Item)) Then dateTime = Item(1) End IF End Property ' 重置计数器 Public Sub ResetCounter() Dim Key Dim Item Application.Unlock For Each Key in Application.Contents IF (Left(Key, PREFIX_LENGTH) = PREFIX) Then Item = Application(Key) Item(0) = 0 Application(Key) = Item End IF Next Application.Lock End Sub ' 删除某以缓存 Public Sub Clear(ByRef Key) Application.Contents.Remove(PREFIX & Key) End Sub ' 清空没有使用的缓存 Public Sub ClearUnused() Dim Key, Keys, KeyLength, KeyIndex For Each Key in Application.Contents IF (Left(Key, PREFIX_LENGTH) = PREFIX) Then IF (Application(Key)(0) = 0) Then Keys = Keys & VBNewLine & Key End IF End IF Next Keys = Split(Keys, VBNewLine) KeyLength = UBound(Keys) Application.Unlock For KeyIndex = 1 To KeyLength Application.Contents.Remove(Keys(KeyIndex)) Next Application.Lock End Sub ' 清空所有缓存 Public Sub ClearAll() Dim Key, Keys, KeyLength, KeyIndex For Each Key in Application.Contents IF (Left(Key, PREFIX_LENGTH) = PREFIX) Then Keys = Keys & VBNewLine & Key End IF Next Keys = Split(Keys, VBNewLine) KeyLength = UBound(Keys) Application.Unlock For KeyIndex = 1 To KeyLength Application.Contents.Remove(Keys(KeyIndex)) Next Application.Lock End Sub End Class slightboyn 类例子 Set Wyd=New JayCache Wyd.dateTime("Page")=时 间 If Wyd.Exists("Page") Then Response.write Wyd.Cache("Page") '输出 Else Wyd.Cache("Page")=xxx 写入 Responxe.write xxx End IF Wyd.Clear("page")'删除缓存



【上传漏洞欺骗技术】   网络上许多程序都有着上传漏洞,比如任我飞扬整站程序、动感购物商城、秋叶商城、惠信新闻系统等。本文主要讲解上传漏洞的入侵实战以及一些扩展利用。首先我们要获得客户端和服务器之间>>>详细阅读



关键词: 探索发现




