

作者: 来源:www.28hudong.com 2013-03-30 09:00:46 阅读 我要评论

复制代码 代码如下:<% @ LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> <% Option Explicit Class BoxInfoImg '传输类的使用方法 '图象上传和上传信息获取CLASS '用法: 'dim imgUp 'set imgUp=new BoxInfoImg '属性: 'imgUp.width '宽 'imgUp.height '高 'imgUp.imgSize '大小 'imgUp.imgType '类型 'imgUp.imgName '文件名 'imgUp.imgName '图像文件名:"& 'imgUp.filename '文件名"& 'imgUp.extName '扩展名" 'imgUp.DiskPath '保存位置" 'imgUp.XuPath '虚拟路径" 'imgUp.NewUrl '保存后url" 'imgUp.SaveMode '保存后url" '方法: 'imgUp.saveImg(fullpath) '保存图像文件 dim ADOS dim width,height,imgSize,imgType,imgName,fileName dim preName,extName dim SavePath,SaveName,SaveMode dim DiskPath,XuPath,NewUrl dim textStr dim i Private Sub Class_Initialize set ADOS=Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") ADOS.Type=1 ADOS.Mode=3 ADOS.Open getImageSize End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate ADOS.close set ADOS=nothing End Sub Public Function getImageSize() dim ret(3),bFlag,fdata,fsize fdata=GetWebData(GetStrUrl) '取得XmlHttp数据 fsize=clng(lenb(fdata)) '取得数据尺寸 if fsize=0 then exit function R_write "无有效数据保存",0 end if ADOS.Write fdata ADOS.Position=0 SaveName=iSaveName SavePath=iSavePath SaveMode=iSaveMode '写文本对象读取图像长宽和类型 ADOS.Position=0 '重置数据开始位置 bFlag=ADOS.read(3) if isNull(bFlag) then width=0 height=0 imgSize=0 imgType="unknow" ret(0)=imgType:ret(1)=width:ret(2)=height:ret(3)="" getimagesize=ret exit function end if '取文件类型和长宽 select case hex(binVal(bFlag)) case "4E5089": ADOS.read(15) ret(0)="png" ret(1)=BinVal2(ADOS.read(2)) ADOS.read(2) ret(2)=BinVal2(ADOS.read(2)) case "464947": ADOS.read(3) ret(0)="gif" ret(1)=BinVal(ADOS.read(2)) ret(2)=BinVal(ADOS.read(2)) case "FFD8FF": dim p1 do do: p1=binVal(ADOS.Read(1)): loop while p1=255 and not ADOS.EOS if p1>191 and p1<196 then exit do else ADOS.read(binval2(ADOS.Read(2))-2) do:p1=binVal(ADOS.Read(1)):loop while p1<255 and not ADOS.EOS loop while true ADOS.Read(3) ret(0)="jpg" ret(2)=binval2(ADOS.Read(2)) ret(1)=binval2(ADOS.Read(2)) case else: if left(Bin2Str(bFlag),2)="BM" then ADOS.Read(15) ret(0)="bmp" ret(1)=binval(ADOS.Read(4)) ret(2)=binval(ADOS.Read(4)) else ret(0)="" end if end select ' dim tempStr dim nameStr dim defaultName dim ln tempStr=split(GetStrUrl,"/") nameStr=tempStr(ubound(tempStr)) if nameStr="" then r_write "错误的URL,请输入可访问的URL",0 exit function end if fileName=split(nameStr,"?")(0) ln=inStrRev(fileName,".") if ln>0 then preName=left(fileName,inStrRev(fileName,".")-1) else preName=fileName end if 'R_write fileName,1 'R_write inStrRev(fileName,"."),1 'R_write fileName,0 extName=right(fileName,len(fileName)-inStrRev(fileName,".")) Select case ret(0) case "png","jpg","bmp","gif","swf" width=ret(1) height=ret(2) imgSize=fsize imgType=ret(0) imgName=preName&"."&ret(0) case else width=0 height=0 imgSize=fsize imgName="unknow" imgType=".unknow" end select if SaveMode="1" then defaultName=imgName if SaveName="" then SaveName=defaultName else if lcase(right(SaveName,4))<>"."&imgType then SaveName=SaveName&"."&imgType end if end if else defaultName=filename end if if SaveName="" then SaveName=defaultName SavePath=replace(SavePath,"//","/") if right(SavePath,1)<>"/" then SavePath=SavePath&"/" if SavePath="" then SavePath="./" DiskPath=server.mappath(SavePath&SaveName) XuPath=replace(replace(DiskPath,server.mappath("/"),""),"","/") NewUrl="http://"&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME")&XuPath getimagesize=ret End Function Public function SaveImg(FullPath) SaveImg=false if SaveMode="1" then if trim(fullpath)="" or _ width=0 or _ height=0 or _ imgSize=0 or _ imgType=".unknow" then exit function end if end if ADOS.Position=0 if SaveMode="2" then ADOS.Type=2 ADOS.Charset ="gb2312" ADOS.SaveToFile FullPath,2 textStr=ADOS.readtext() else ADOS.SaveToFile FullPath,2 end if SaveImg=true End function Private Function Bin2Str(Bin) Dim I,Str,clow For I=1 to LenB(Bin) clow=MidB(Bin,I,1) if ASCB(clow)<128 then Str = Str & Chr(ASCB(clow)) else I=I+1 if I <= LenB(Bin) then Str = Str & Chr(ASCW(MidB(Bin,I,1)&clow)) end if Next Bin2Str = Str End Function Private Function Num2Str(num,base,lens) dim ret:ret = "" while(num>=base) ret=(num mod base) & ret num=(num - num mod base)/base wend Num2Str = right(string(lens,"0") & num & ret,lens) End Function Private Function Str2Num(str,base) dim ret:ret = 0 for i=1 to len(str) ret = ret *base + cint(mid(str,i,1)) next Str2Num=ret End Function Private Function BinVal(bin) dim ret:ret = 0 for i = lenb(bin) to 1 step -1 ret = ret *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next BinVal=ret End Function Private Function BinVal2(bin) dim ret:ret = 0 for i = 1 to lenb(bin) ret = ret *256 + ascb(midb(bin,i,1)) next BinVal2=ret End Function Private Function GetWebData(byval StrUrl) if StrUrl="" then r_write "无效",1 exit function end if dim tempStr tempStr=split(GetStrUrl,"/") if tempStr(ubound(tempStr))="" or inStr(StrUrl,"/")=0 then R_Write "未指定有效的URL",0 exit function end if dim Retrieval Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "Get", StrUrl, False, "", "" .Send GetWebData =.ResponseBody End With Set Retrieval = Nothing End Function End Class %> <% SUB saveUpload(GetUrl,SavePath,SaveName,mode) dim chkInfo if GetUrl="" then call tform() R_Write "<br>传输文件栏没有填写!",0 end if set imgUp=new BoxInfoImg if mode="1" and imgUp.imgName="unknow" then call tform() set imgUp=nothing R_Write "<br>传输文件栏没有填写有效的图像URL!",0 end if chkInfo="" dim i,testStr,showStr '限定格式 select case imgUp.imgType case "png","jpg","bmp","gif" if imgUp.width=0 or imgUp.height=0 or imgUp.imgSize=0 then chkInfo="<li>"+"传输图像数据不存在,请确定你的URL是否正确" end if case else chkInfo="<li>无效的传输格式,允许图像数据格式为 ""png"",""jpg"",""bmp"",""gif""</li>" end select 'R_Write SavePath,1 'R_Write mode,1 'R_Write imgUp.imgName,1 'R_Write imgUp.filename,1 'R_Write "SaveName="&SaveName,1 if mode="1" and chkInfo<>"" then '检查上传图像数据合格后,则保存之 call tform() R_Write chkInfo,0 else Server.ScriptTimeOut=5000 imgUp.saveImg imgUp.DiskPath end if '------------- R_write "<b>===处理结果部分资料===</b><br>",1 R_write "  宽:"&imgUp.width&" pix",1 R_write "  高:"&imgUp.height&" pix",1 R_write " 大小:"&formatnumber(imgUp.imgSize/1024,2,-1)&" KB",1 R_write " 格式:"&imgUp.imgType,1 R_write "图像文件名:"&imgUp.imgName,1 R_write "文件名:"&imgUp.filename,1 R_write "扩展名:"&imgUp.extName,1 R_write "保存位置:"&imgUp.DiskPath,1 R_write "虚拟路径:"&imgUp.XuPath,1 R_write "保存后url:"&imgUp.NewUrl,1 call tform() set imgUp=nothing R_write "------------------------<br>传输完毕",0 End SUB SUB tform() %> <FORM METHOD=POST name=form2 style="margin:0px;">  获取 URL:<INPUT TYPE="text" size=50 NAME="GetStrUrl" value="http://www.blueidea.com/img/common/logo.gif"><br>  保存路径:<INPUT TYPE="text" size=50 NAME="SavePath" value="./"><br> 保存文件名:<INPUT TYPE="text" size=50 NAME="SaveName" value=""><br>  保存类型: <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SaveMode" value=1 <%if iSaveMode="1" or iSaveMode="" then response.write "checked" end if%>> Web图像 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SaveMode" value=2 <%if iSaveMode="2" then response.write "checked" end if%>> 文本文件 <INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="SaveMode" value=0 <%if iSaveMode="0" then response.write "checked" end if%>> 二进制数据 <INPUT TYPE="submit" value="确定提交"> <hr size=1> <% if GetStrUrl<>"" then if iSaveMode="2" then R_write "<button name=""Previews"" title=""页面快照"" onclick=""runCode(0);"">Run this code</button>",1 R_write "<textarea cols=100 name=content rows=10 style="" width:90%;fixed;word-break:break-all;"">"&server.htmlencode(imgUp.textStr)&"</textarea>",1 else R_write "<img src="""&imgUp.XuPath&"?"&timer()&""" width="&imgUp.width&" height="&imgUp.height&" alt="&imgUp.imgName&">",1 end if end if %> </FORM> <hr size=1> <br>如果保存为图像,不要加扩展名,自动识别加上,如果加的扩展名不合也回自动加上 <br>保存文件路径为空则保存在当前路径 <br>保存文件名为空则使用自动识别取得的文件名 <br>保存为其他任意方式,对asp html 等为取得发送结果的Html <%End SUB Sub R_write(str,num) dim istr:istr=str dim inum:inum=num response.write str&"<br>" if inum=0 then response.end end sub '=================调用过程 Execute======================== %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> New Document </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="V37"> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT=""> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- /*function runCode() { var code=event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0].value; var newwin=window.open('','',''); newwin.opener = null newwin.document.write(code); newwin.document.close(); } function setsmiley(what) { document.PostForm.comment.value += " "+what; document.PostForm.comment.focus(); } */ function runCode(num) //运行代码HTML { // var code=event.srcElement.parentElement.children[0].value; if(num==1){var code=window.form2.code.innerText;} if(num==0){var code=window.form2.content.innerText;} var newwin=window.open('','',''); newwin.opener = null newwin.document.write(code); newwin.document.close(); } //--> </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> <% dim imgUp '传输对象 dim GetStrUrl '要获取的图像或网页URL dim iSaveName '要保存的名字 dim iSavePath '要保存的虚拟路径 dim iSaveMode '保存的模式 1 为图像 0 为任意文件 iSavePath=trim(request.form("SavePath")) iSaveName=trim(request.form("SaveName")) GetStrUrl=trim(request.form("GetStrUrl")) iSaveMode=trim(request.form("SaveMode")) if GetStrUrl<>"" then CALL saveUpload(GetStrUrl,iSavePath,iSaveName,iSaveMode) call tform() else call tform() end if %> </BODY> </HTML>



可以在此基础上结合正则表达式做成更好的效果,希望大家能分享一下Xmlhttp的session共享技术 <html> <head> <title>AUTOGET</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> >>>详细阅读



关键词: 探索发现




