
javascript SocialHistory 检查访问者是否访问过某站点

作者: 来源:www.28hudong.com 2013-03-30 02:58:51 阅读 我要评论

window.onload = function() { var sl = new SocialHistory(); alert(sl.doesVisit("www.jb51.net")); } 如果用户曾经使用过www.jb51.net,那么该函数就会返回真,否则返回假。 其实原理并不复杂,它利用了链接的 a:visited 伪类的属性。首先在页面上生成一个iframe,并在这个iframe中设置 a 和 a:visited 为不同的样式。然后将网站的链接插入到 iframe 中。浏览器就会根据用户的访问历史,为访问过的链接设置 a:visited 的样式。最后再获得链接的最终样式,如果是 a:visited,就可以认为用户访问过该网站了。具体的实现方式可以参考源代码。 这个脚本主要用于显示社会性书签的图标,可以恰到好处地显示用户所使用的网站。但我担心,这样的做法是不是有盗取用户隐私之嫌?虽然这个方法只能判断用户有无访问特定的网站,并不能无限制地得到所有访问历史。 /* * Social Limit - Only the social you care about. * * Enables your site to know which social bookmarking badges to display to your * visitors. It tells you all social sites the user has gone to, or you can * query for a specific one. * * For example: * * var sl = SocialHistory(); * alert( sl.doesVisit("Digg") ); // Returns true/false, -1 if unknown. * var listOfVisitedSites = sl.visitedSites(); * var checkedSites = sl.checkedSites(); * * If you want to add more sites to check, you can pass that in as a dictionary * to History: * * var more = { "Humanized": "http://humanized.com", * "Azarask.in": ["http://azarask.in", "http://azarask.in/blog"] * }; * var sl = SocialHistory(more); * alert( sl.doesVisit("Humanized") ); * * For a list of built-in sites, see the sites variable below. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Aza Raskin (http://azarask.in/blog) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ var SocialHistory = function( moreSites ){ var sites = { "Digg": ["http://digg.com", "http://digg.com/login"], "Reddit": ["http://reddit.com", "http://reddit.com/new/", "http://reddit.com/controversial/", "http://reddit.com/top/", "http://reddit.com/r/reddit.com/", "http://reddit.com/r/programming/"], "StumbleUpon": ["http://stumbleupon.com"], "Yahoo Buzz": ["http://buzz.yahoo.com"], "Facebook": ["http://facebook.com/home.php", "http://facebook.com", "https://login.facebook.com/login.php"], "Del.icio.us": ["https://secure.del.icio.us/login", "http://del.icio.us/"], "MySpace": ["http://www.myspace.com/"], "Technorati": ["http://www.technorati.com"], "Newsvine": ["https://www.newsvine.com", "https://www.newsvine.com/_tools/user/login"], "Songza": ["http://songza.com"], "Slashdot": ["http://slashdot.org/"], "Ma.gnolia": ["http://ma.gnolia.com/"], "Blinklist": ["http://www.blinklist.com"], "Furl": ["http://furl.net", "http://furl.net/members/login"], "Mister Wong": ["http://www.mister-wong.com"], "Current": ["http://current.com", "http://current.com/login.html"], "Menaeme": ["http://meneame.net", "http://meneame.net/login.php"], "Oknotizie": ["http://oknotizie.alice.it", "http://oknotizie.alice.it/login.html.php"], "Diigo": ["http://www.diigo.com/", "https://secure.diigo.com/sign-in"], "Funp": ["http://funp.com", "http://funp.com/account/loginpage.php"], "Blogmarks": ["http://blogmarks.net"], "Yahoo Bookmarks": ["http://bookmarks.yahoo.com"], "Xanga": ["http://xanga.com"], "Blogger": ["http://blogger.com"], "Last.fm": ["http://www.last.fm/", "https://www.last.fm/login/"], "N4G": ["http://www.n4g.com"], "Faves": ["http://faves.com", "http://faves.com/home", "https://secure.faves.com/signIn"], "Simpy": ["http://www.simpy.com", "http://www.simpy.com/login"], "Yigg": ["http://www.yigg.de"], "Kirtsy": ["http://www.kirtsy.com", "http://www.kirtsy.com/login.php"], "Fark": ["http://www.fark.com", "http://cgi.fark.com/cgi/fark/users.pl?self=1"], "Mixx": ["https://www.mixx.com/login/dual", "http://www.mixx.com"], "Google Bookmarks": ["http://www.google.com/bookmarks", "http://www.google.com/ig/add?moduleurl=bookmarks.xml&hl=en"], "Subbmitt": ["http://subbmitt.com/"] }; for( var site in moreSites ) { // If we don't have the site, create the URL list. if( typeof( sites[site] ) == "undefined" ) sites[site] = []; // If the value is string, just push that onto the URL list. if( typeof( moreSites[site] ) == "string" ) sites[site].push( moreSites[site] ); else sites[site] = sites[site].concat( moreSites[site] ); } var visited = {}; function getStyle(el, scopeDoc,styleProp) { if (el.currentStyle) var y = el.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) var y = scopeDoc.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); return y; } function remove( el ) { el.parentNode.removeChild( el ); } // Code inspired by: // bindzus.wordpress.com/2007/12/24/adding-dynamic-contents-to-iframes function createIframe() { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.style.position = "absolute"; iframe.style.visibility = "hidden"; document.body.appendChild(iframe); // Firefox, Opera if(iframe.contentDocument) iframe.doc = iframe.contentDocument; // Internet Explorer else if(iframe.contentWindow) iframe.doc = iframe.contentWindow.document; // Magic: Force creation of the body (which is null by default in IE). // Also force the styles of visited/not-visted links. iframe.doc.open(); iframe.doc.write('<style>'); iframe.doc.write("a{color: #000000; display:none;}"); iframe.doc.write("a:visited {color: #FF0000; display:inline;}"); iframe.doc.write('</style>'); iframe.doc.close(); // Return the iframe: iframe.doc contains the iframe. return iframe; } var iframe = createIframe(); function embedLinkInIframe( href, text ) { var a = iframe.doc.createElement("a"); a.href = href; a.innerHTML = site; iframe.doc.body.appendChild( a ); } for( var site in sites ) { var urls = sites[site]; for( var i=0; i<urls.length; i++ ) { // You have to create elements in the scope of the iframe for IE. embedLinkInIframe( urls[i], site ); // Automatically try variations of the URLS with and without the "www" if( urls[i].match(/www./) ){ var sansWWW = urls[i].replace(/www./, ""); embedLinkInIframe( sansWWW, site ); } else { // 2 = 1 for length of string + 1 for slice offset var httpLen = urls[i].indexOf("//") + 2; var withWWW = urls[i].substring(0, httpLen ) + "www." + urls[i].substring( httpLen ); embedLinkInIframe( withWWW, site ); } } } var links = iframe.doc.body.childNodes; for( var i=0; i<links.length; i++) { // Handle both Firefox/Safari, and IE (respectively) var displayValue = getStyle(links[i], iframe.doc, "display"); var didVisit = displayValue != "none"; if( didVisit ){ visited[ links[i].innerHTML ] = true; } } remove( iframe ); return new (function(){ var usedSites = []; for( var site in visited ){ usedSites.push( site ); } // Return an array of visited sites. this.visitedSites = function() { return usedSites; } // Return true/false. If we didn't check the site, return -1. this.doesVisit = function( site ) { if( typeof( sites[site] ) == "undefined" ) return -1; return typeof( visited[site] ) != "undefined"; } var checkedSites = []; for( var site in sites ){ checkedSites.push( site ); } // Return a list of the sites checked. this.checkedSites = function(){ return checkedSites; } })(); }



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本文标题:javascript SocialHistory 检查访问者是否访问过某站点


关键词: 探索发现




