
国外Lightbox v2.03.3 最新版 下载

作者: 来源:www.28hudong.com 2013-03-30 03:16:08 阅读 我要评论

下面是官方的描述,好多网站实现的图片展示都用的这个效果,非常不错的效果,简单易用Support It doesn't work at all. The image opens up in a new page. What's wrong? This is commonly caused by a conflict between scripts. Check your body tag and look for an onload attribute. Example: <body onload="MM_preloadImages(‘/images/menu_on.gif')…;"> A quick fix to this problem is to append the initLightbox() to the onload attribute as so: <body onload="MM_preloadImages(‘/images/menu_on.gif')…;initLightbox()"> It doesn't work if I click an image link before the page has finished loading. The script is activated only after the page has finished loading. The shadow overlay doesn't stretch to cover full browser window. Remove the default margin and padding from the body tag. Add body{ margin: 0; padding: 0; } to your stylesheet. Can I insert links in the caption? Yes, but you need to convert quotes and greater and less than symbols into their html entity equivalents. For example: <a href="images/image-4.jpg" rel="lightbox" title="<a href="link.html">my link</a>">Image</a> Can I display flash, video, or other content using the script? Sorry, photos only. For other content, google for Lightbox modifications or try an alternative script such as Cody Lindley's ThickBox. Can the script be called from an iframe? If you're using iframes, try the Lytebox modification which has better support. Can I use the script in a commercial project? Yes. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. A donation would be nice, hint hint. Contact For troubleshooting, feature requests, and general help, post a message in the Lightbox Forum. Make sure to include details on your browser, operating system, Lightbox version, and a link (or relevant code). I do not have time to personally respond to support emails, please use the forum. To send me a non-support related note, email me at: lokeshdhakar2007@gmail.com . Thanks. 官方下载



w3c规范中getElementsByName是按着name属性进行检索的,而MS的IE却是按着id来检索。导致不能得到应该得到的Elements,为适应浏览器,我们可以做一下调整: 一、把需要用getElementsByName的name都加上id,且id和n>>>详细阅读

本文标题:国外Lightbox v2.03.3 最新版 下载


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