edt_color_slt.js复制代码 代码如下:var _r = ""; var color_table=[ ['000000','993300','333300','003300','003366','000080','333399','333333'], ['800000','FF6600','808000','008000','008080','0000FF','666699','808080'], ['FF0000','FF9900','99CC00','339966','33CCCC','3366FF','800080','999999'], ['FF00FF','FFCC00','FFFF00','00FF00','00FFFF','00CCFF','993366','C0C0C0'], ['FF99CC','FFCC99','FFFF99','CCFFCC','CCFFFF','99CCFF','CC99FF','FFFFFF'] ]; function a1(obj) { obj.style.border='1px solid #000080'; obj.style.background='#FFEEC2'; } function a2(obj) { obj.style.border='1px solid #F6F6F6'; obj.style.background='#F6F6F6'; } function paintCell(color) { //_r += '<TD BGCOLOR="' + color + '" style="height:12px;width:12px;">'; _r += '<TD style="padding:2px;background:#f6f6f6;border:1px solid #f6f6f6" onmouseover="a1(this)" onmouseout="a2(this)">'; _r += "<IMG src='/htmledition/images/spacer.gif' HEIGHT=12 WIDTH=12 style='border:1px solid #ccc;background:#" + color +"'></TD>"; } function paintRow(color_row) //一行 { _r +='<TR>'; for (var i = 0,l=color_row.length; i < l; ++i) { paintCell(color_row[i]); } _r +='</TR>'; } function paintTable(b) //表格 { _r +='<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 style="border:5px solid #F6F6F6">'; for (var i = 0,l=b.length; i < l; ++i) { paintRow(b[i]); } _r +='</TABLE>'; } function paintCube() { //大边框 _r += '<TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 style="border:1px solid #888;"><TR>'; _r +='<TD BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">'; paintTable(color_table); _r +=('</TD>'); _r +='</TR></TR></TABLE>'; return _r; }edt_main.js复制代码 代码如下://html输出 function output(dat,templ,b) { for(var i=0;i<dat.length;i++) { var d = dat[i]; if(d.join) { for(var j=0;j<d.length;j++) if (templ[j*2+1]) templ[j*2+1] = d[j]; if(b) alert(templ.join("")); document.write(templ.join("")); } else document.write(d); } } //B I U var commFunc = " onmousedown=OnTBMouseDown(this) onmouseover=OnTBMouseOver(this) onmouseout=OnTBMouseOut(this) "; var commAttr = ' style="position:absolute;clip:rect($rect$);margin:$margin$;" title="$title$" '; var commHead = ' <img src="./images/editoricon.gif" '+ commAttr; var commHeadMask = ' <img src="./images/editoricon_mask.gif" ' + commAttr; var sComm = commHead + commFunc; //模块结构: 1.基础函数 2.接口定义 3.事件函数 4.HTML编辑框 5.全局事件绑定 6.全局变量声明 //基础函数 function GetDoc(win){ return (win?win:window).document;} function S(i,win) {return GetDoc(win).getElementById(i);} function F(sID,win) //sunny for firefox { if( sID == "" || sID == null ) return null; var frame = S(sID,win); if( !frame) return null; return frame.contentWindow?frame.contentWindow:(win?win:window).frames[sID]; } function Disp(obj,flag) // 0 隐藏,1显示 { if(obj){ obj.style.display = flag?"":"none";} } function getPosX(e) { var l=e.offsetLeft; while(e=e.offsetParent){ l+=e.offsetLeft; } return l; } function getPosY(e) { var t=e.offsetTop; while(e=e.offsetParent){ t+=e.offsetTop; } return t; } String.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/(^s*)|(s*$)/g, ""); }; function ExecCmd(type, para){ LoadPos(); var f = F("HtmlEditor"); var sAlert = ""; if(!gIsIE) { switch(type){ case "Cut": sAlert = "你的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行剪切操作,请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl+X)来完成"; break; case "Copy": sAlert = "你的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行拷贝操作,请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl+C)来完成"; break; case "Paste": sAlert = "你的浏览器安全设置不允许编辑器自动执行粘贴操作,请使用键盘快捷键(Ctrl+V)来完成"; break; } } if(sAlert != ""){ alert(sAlert); return; } f.focus(); var doc = f.document; if(!para) { gIsIE?doc.execCommand(type):doc.execCommand(type,false,false); } else { //为了图片插入后把焦点放到图片后面 if (type == "InsertImage" && gIsIE) { var r = doc.selection.createRange(); } doc.execCommand(type,false,para); //为了图片插入后把焦点放到图片后面 if (type == "InsertImage" && gIsIE) { r.move("character"); r.select(); } } f.focus(); } function IsValidURL(str) { return ( ( str.indexOf("://") > 1 ) || (str.indexOf(":\") > 1) ); } function addHyperLink() { var f = F("HtmlEditor"); //哈哈,终于找到兼容mf噶方法 var sel = f.document.selection != null ? f.document.selection.createRange().text : f.document.getSelection(); if(sel.length>0) { var sURL=window.prompt("请输入链接的目标地址 ( e.g. http://www.qq.com/):", "http://"); if(sURL != null) { if( !IsValidURL(sURL)) { sURL= "http://" + sURL; } F("HtmlEditor").document.execCommand("CreateLink",false,sURL); } } else { alert("请先选择要连接的文字。"); } } function addImage() { var width="380px", height="150px"; //modify by angusdu 2006-10-13 //showModalDialog("uploadImg.htm", window, vfeature); var url = "uploadImg.htm"; if(gIsIE)//IE { window.showModalDialog(url,window,"dialogWidth:" + width + ";dialogHeight:" + height + ";center:Yes;help:off;status:no;scroll:no"); } else { window.open(url,window,"width="+width+",height="+height+",menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,modal=yes"); } } function getIEVer(){ var s = navigator.userAgent; if(s.indexOf("MSIE")>-1) return parseFloat(s.split(";")[1].replace("MSIE","")); } //接口定义 function editor() { this.get_contents = GetContents; this.get_plaincontents = GetPlainContents; this.put_contents = PutContents; this.put_plaincontents = PutPlainContents; this.put_firstline = PutFirstLine; } function PutFirstLine(s) { return; } function GetContents() { if (curEditor == "source") return S("sourceEditor").value; return HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML; } function GetPlainContents() { //modify by angusdu 2006-10-11 var bc = HtmlEditor.document.body; if (curEditor == "source") bc.innerHTML = S("sourceEditor").value; if (bc.innerText != null) { return bc.innerText; } else { return bc.textContent; } } function PutContents(contents) { HtmlEditor.document.designMode="on"; HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML = contents; SetDiv(); S("sourceEditor").value = HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML; } function PutPlainContents(contents) { HtmlEditor.document.designMode="on"; //modify by angusdu 2006-10-12 var bc = HtmlEditor.document.body; if (bc.innerText != null) { bc.innerText = contents; } else { bc.textContent = contents; } S("sourceEditor").value = HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML; } //========== //事件函数 function OnLoad() { try { if( !window.top.isFireFox) { F("HtmlEditor").document.designMode="on"; } gLoaded = true; SetEditable(); SetFrameClick(); document.parentWindow.onclick=HideMenu(); }catch(e){ } setTimeout(SetColor,100); //--sunny 一开始就画颜色表,那么第一次就不会慢了 } var editorTxtRange = null; function SavePos() { if (document.selection) { editorTxtRange = F("HtmlEditor").document.selection.createRange(); } } function LoadPos() { if (editorTxtRange) { editorTxtRange.select(); editorTxtRange = null; } } // sunny : foreColor与backColor只是负责弹出ColorBoard,不需要ExecCmd (此时ExecCmd会导致白色) function OnForeColor(e) { SavePos(); HideMenu(); var sColor = DispColorBrd(e); gSetColorType = "foreColor"; if(gIsIE && gIEVer < 6) { ExecCmd(gSetColorType, sColor); } return ; } function OnBackColor(e){ SavePos(); HideMenu(); var sColor = DispColorBrd(e,1); gSetColorType = (gIsIE)?"backColor":"hilitecolor"; if(gIsIE && gIEVer < 6) { ExecCmd(gSetColorType, sColor); } return } function OnMo(e) { SavePos(); HideMenu(); var sMo = DispMoBrd(e); if(gIsIE && gIEVer < 6 && sMo != null) { ExecCmd("InsertImage",sMo); } return ; } function OnTBMouseOver(obj) { SetBorderMouse(obj,0); } function OnTBMouseDown(obj) { SetBorderMouse(obj,1); } function OnTBMouseOut(obj) { obj.style.border="none"; } //HTML编辑框 function SetEditable(){ var doc = window.frames["HtmlEditor"].document; doc.designMode="on"; if(!gIsIE) { // angus:难怪,察看ff的文档发现,如此说明: use false to use CSS, true to use HTML doc.execCommand("useCSS",false, false); } } function SetFrameClick(){ var frm = window.frames["HtmlEditor"]; var doc = frm.document; doc.onmousemove = function(){ window.onblur(); }; doc.onclick = function(){ //alert("aa") HideMenu(); }; doc.onkeydown = function() { if(frm.event.keyCode == 13 && frm.event.ctrlKey) { if(parent.DoCtrlEnter) parent.DoCtrlEnter(); } //top.frames["jsFrame"].gIsEdited = true; }; } function SetDiv() { var loc = "" + window.parent.location; if(loc.indexOf("setting") > 0) { Disp(document.getElementById("add_pic_id"),0); /* removed by angusdu 2006-11-17 if( !/^<DIV> </DIV>/.test(HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML)) { HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML = HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML+"<DIV> </DIV>"; } */ S("HtmlEditor").style.height = gIsIE ? "182px" : "188px"; S("sourceEditor").style.height = "184px"; S("sourceEditor").style.width = "100%"; S("htmlbtn").style.marginLeft = "393px"; } else if (loc.indexOf("compose_card") > 0) { Disp(document.getElementById("add_pic_id"),0); S("HtmlEditor").style.height = "181px"; S("sourceEditor").style.height = "183px"; S("sourceEditor").style.width = "100%"; } else if(loc.indexOf("compose") > 0) { if(GetSetting()) { if( HtmlEditor.document.getElementById("QQMail_signature") ) { HtmlEditor.document.getElementById("QQMail_signature").innerHTML = GetSetting().nSignature; } } } var doc = F("HtmlEditor").document; doc.designMode="on"; // HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML="<DIV> </DIV>"+HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML; if(doc.body) { doc.body.style.background = '#ffffff'; doc.body.style.fontSize = '12px'; doc.body.style.fontFamily = 'verdana'; try { if( HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf("<QQMAILSTATIONERY>") > -1) { doc.body.style.margin = '0.5% 0 0 0'; doc.body.style.background = '#fff'; doc.body.style.fontSize = '12px'; return; } }catch(e) {} doc.body.style.margin = '4px'; } } function SetColor(){ var dvForeColor =S("dvForeColor"); if(dvForeColor.getElementsByTagName("TABLE").length == 1){ dvForeColor.innerHTML = paintCube();//+ dvForeColor.innerHTML; //window.top.document.write(dvForeColor.innerHTML); } } function SetMo(){ var dvMo =S("dvMo"); dvMo.innerHTML = moCube(); } //工具栏 //add by angusdu 2006-10-13 function showDialog(url, type, feature) { if(gIsIE)//IE { return window.showModalDialog(url,type,feature); } else { //modelessDialog可以将modal换成dialog=yes feature ="width=300,height=200,menubar=no,toolbar=no,location=no,"; feature+="scrollbars=no,status=no,modal=yes"; window.open(url,type,feature); } } function DispColorBrd(e,isBC){ if(gIEVer<6 && gIsIE){ var arr = showModalDialog("color_slt.html", "", "font-family:Verdana; font-size:12; status:no; dialogWidth:17em; dialogHeight:14em"); if (arr != null) return arr; return; } var dvForeColor =S("dvForeColor"); SetColor(); Disp(dvForeColor,1); dvForeColor.style.left = (isBC?bcL:fcL) + "px"; dvForeColor.style.top = 33 + "px"; dvForeColor.focus(); e.cancelBubble =true; return true; } function DispMoBrd(e) { if(gIEVer<6 && gIsIE){ var arr = showModalDialog("mo_slt.html", "", "font-family:Verdana; font-size:12; status:no; dialogWidth:265px; dialogHeight:190px"); if (arr != null) return arr; return; } var dvMo =S("dvMo"); SetMo(); Disp(dvMo, 1); dvMo.focus(); e.cancelBubble =true; return true; } function CommCheck(obj,str,func) { if (obj.id == str) { return true; } if(obj.parentNode) { return func(obj.parentNode); } return false; } function CommObjectCheck(obj, inObj) { if (obj == inObj) { return true; } if(obj.parentNode) { return CommObjectCheck(obj.parentNode, inObj); } return false; } function HideMenu() { var elementTable=["fontface","fontsize","dvForeColor","dvPortrait","divAlign","divList","dvMo"]; for(var i=0;i<elementTable.length;i++) Disp(S(elementTable[i]),0); } function IsInColorBrd(obj){ return CommCheck(obj,"dvForeColor",IsInColorBrd); } function IsInFontFaceBrd(obj){ return CommCheck(obj,"fontface",IsInFontFaceBrd); } function IsInFontSizeBrd(obj){ return CommCheck(obj,"fontsize",IsInFontSizeBrd); } function IsInMoBrd(obj){ return CommCheck(obj,"dvMo",IsInMoBrd); } function SetBorderMouse(obj,flag) // flag : 0 over 1 out { var d = [ ["1px solid #fff","1px solid #fff","1px solid #F3F8FC","1px solid #F3F8FC"] ,["1px solid #ccc","1px solid #ccc","1px solid #F3F8FC","1px solid #ccc"]][flag]; obj.style.borderTop=d[0]; obj.style.borderRight=d[1]; obj.style.borderBottom=d[2]; obj.style.borderLeft=d[3]; } function DispBoard(element,displayValue,nLeft) { if(gIEVer<=5.01 && gIsIE){ if(element == "fontface"){ var sReturnValue = showModalDialog("fontface_slt.html","", "font-family:Verdana; font-size:12; status:no; unadorned:yes; scroll:no; resizable:yes;dialogWidth:112px; dialogHeight:271px");; ExecCmd("fontname",sReturnValue); }else if(element == "fontsize"){ var sReturnValue = showModalDialog("fontsize_slt.html","", "font-family:Verdana; font-size:12; status:no; unadorned:yes; scroll:no; resizable:yes;dialogWidth:130px; dialogHeight:250px");; ExecCmd("fontsize",sReturnValue); } return; } HideMenu(); if ( typeof element == "string" ) element = S(element); if (element == null) return; element.style.display = displayValue; SavePos(); if(gIsIE){ var e = event; }else{ var e = ev; } var iX = e.clientX; var iY = e.clientY; Disp(element,1); element.style.left = ((null==nLeft)?(iX-30):nLeft) + "px"; element.style.top = 33 + "px"; setTimeout("document.getElementById('"+element.id+"').focus();", 500); return true; } function SaveEvent(e){ ev = e; } //qqmail增加的函数 function fSetReplyContent(){ try{ win.fSetComposeContent(win.gReplyContent); window.frames["HtmlEditor"].focus(); }catch(exp){ window.setTimeout('fSetReplyContent()',1000); } win.gReplyContent = null; } function setContentType(ContentType) { alert("setContentType"); if(ContentType=="text") { PutContents(GetPlainContents()); } window.parent.contenttype.value=ContentType; } function GetSetting() { try { return window.top.GetApp().setting; }catch(e) {} return null; } function BrdBlur() { if (gIsIE) { if (!CommObjectCheck(document.activeElement, event.srcElement)) { setTimeout("LoadPos();HideMenu();", 10); } } } //全局事件绑定 window.onblur =function(){ if(!gIsIE){ HideMenu(); } }; window.onerror = function(){ return true; }; document.onmousemove = function(e){ /* if(gIsIE) var el = event.srcElement; else var el = e.target; var tdView = S("tdView"); var tdColorCode = S("tdColorCode"); var dvForeColor =S("dvForeColor"); var dvPortrait =S("dvPortrait"); var fontsize =S("fontsize"); var fontface =S("fontface"); if(el.tagName == "IMG"){ try{ if(IsInColorBrd(el)){ //tdView.bgColor = el.parentNode.bgColor; //tdColorCode.innerHTML = el.parentNode.bgColor } }catch(e){} }else{ return; Disp(dvForeColor,0); if(!IsInFontFaceBrd(el)) Disp(fontface,0); if(!IsInFontSizeBrd(el)) Disp(fontsize,0); } */ }; function DectoHex(num) { var i,j=20,str = "#",N="ABCDEF"; while(j >= 0) { i = (num >> j)%16; str += (i>9)?N.charAt(i-10):i; j -= 4; } return str; } function GetColorFromBg(bg) { var i = bg.indexOf("("),j=bg.indexOf(")"),s=bg.substr(i+1,j-i-1).split(","); return DectoHex((s[0]<<16) + (s[1]<<8) + parseInt(s[2])); } document.onclick = function(e){ if(gIsIE) var el = event.srcElement; else var el = e.target; var dvForeColor =S("dvForeColor"); var dvPortrait =S("dvPortrait"); try{ if(IsInColorBrd(el)){ //var _bgColor = (el.tagName == "IMG") ? el.parentNode.bgColor : el.bgColor; var t = el; if( t.tagName != "IMG") { t = t.getElementsByTagName("IMG")[0]; } var _bgColor = t.style.background+""; if(_bgColor.indexOf(")") > -1) //firefox { _bgColor = GetColorFromBg(_bgColor); } ExecCmd(gSetColorType, _bgColor); Disp(dvForeColor,0); return; } if (IsInMoBrd(el)) { var t = el; if( t.tagName == "TD") { t = el.getElementsByTagName("IMG")[0]; } if (t.tagName == "IMG" && t.attributes["data"] != null) { ExecCmd("InsertImage", giMoBaseUrl + t.attributes["data"].nodeValue); Disp(S("dvMo"), 0); } return; } }catch(e){} HideMenu(); var idTable = [ "imgFontface","fontface" ,"imgFontsize","fontsize" ,"imgFontColor","fontsize" ,"imgBackColor","dvForeColor" ,"imgFace","dvPortrait" ,"imgAlign","divAlign" ,"imgList","divList"]; for(var i=0;i<idTable.length;i+=2){ if( idTable[i]==el.id) { var obj = S(idTable[i+1]); obj?(obj.style.display = ""):0; break; } } }; //全局变量 public_description = new editor; var gSetColorType = ""; var gIsIE = document.all; var gIEVer = getIEVer(); var gLoaded = false; var ev = null; //增加源代码编辑器... //add by angusdu 2006-11-21 var curEditor = "Html"; function EnableToolBar(flag) { var tools = document.getElementsByName("tool_mask"); for (i = tools.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Disp(tools[i], flag); } if (S("add_pic_id").style.display == "") { Disp(S("add_pic_mask_id"), flag); } } function ChangeEditor() { if (curEditor == "Html") { curEditor = "source"; Disp(S("sourceEditor"), 1); Disp(S("HtmlEditor"), 0); S("sourceEditor").value = HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML; S("sourceEditor").focus(); S("htmlbtn").title = "图文编辑"; S("htmlbtn").innerHTML = "<a class=abtn href=javascript:void(0);><普通模式></a>"; EnableToolBar(1); } else { curEditor = "Html"; Disp(S("sourceEditor"), 0); Disp(S("HtmlEditor"), 1); HtmlEditor.document.body.innerHTML = S("sourceEditor").value; F("HtmlEditor").focus(); S("htmlbtn").title = "编辑HTML源码"; S("htmlbtn").innerHTML = "<a class=abtn href=javascript:void(0);><HTML模式></a>"; EnableToolBar(0); } } function GetEditorType() { return (curEditor == "Html" ? "Html" : "source"); } //增加对编辑器的高度修改接口 var gMinSize = 0; function GetMinSize() { if (!gMinSize) { gMinSize = parseInt(S("HtmlEditor").style.height); } return gMinSize; } function AddElementHeight(el, l) { el.style.height = (parseInt(el.style.height) + l) + "px"; } function StretchEditor(bIsLarge, l, frameid) { //默认伸缩长度为50px l = (l != null ? l : 50); var pw = window.parent; var pwif = pw.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for (i = pwif.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (pwif[i].id && (frameid ? pwif[i].id == frameid : GetDoc(pw.frames[pwif[i].id]).body.innerHTML == GetDoc().body.innerHTML)) { if (parseInt(S("HtmlEditor").style.height) <= GetMinSize() && !bIsLarge) { return; } l = (bIsLarge ? l : (-1)*l); AddElementHeight(pwif[i], l); AddElementHeight(S("HtmlEditor"), l); AddElementHeight(S("sourceEditor"), l); return ; } } } 本地下载
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