对于一个网络协议来说,我们不仅仅要了解它的定义和概念,更要清楚它的设置与应用。那么今天我们就主要讲解一下关于PPP Options 的相关内容,来帮助大家了解一下具体的选项配置。
Selecting PPP Options Using an Options Structure
PPP options may be set at run-time by filling in a PPP options structure and passing the structure location to the ppp Init( ) routine. This routine is the standard entry point for initializing a PPP link (see Initializing a PPP Link).
The PPP options structure is typedefed to PPP_OPTIONS, and its definition is located in h/netinet/ppp/options.h, which is included through h/pppLib.h.
The first field of the structure is an integer, flags, which is a bit field that holds the ORed value of the OPT_option macros displayed in column 2 of Table 3-3. Definitions for OPT_option are located in h/netinet/ppp/options.h. The remaining structure fields in column 2 are character pointers to the various PPP options specified by a string.
选项结构体的第一个域是整型数,一个标志位,是几个 OPT_xxx或运算之后的值,所有的OPT_xxx可以在Table 3-3中找到。OPT_xxx的定义在h/netinet/ppp/options.h中。。。。(不知所云)
The following code fragment is>
Setting PPP Options Using an Options File
PPP options are most conveniently set using an options file. There is>
- passive
- no_pap
- no_chap
- no_vj
- lcp_echo_interval 30
- lcp_echo_failure 10
本文标题:全析PPP Options选项设置
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